Mgahinga Gorilla National Park

Mgahinga gorilla National park : This is the smallest of all Uganda national parks at 33km2 though one dream destination on Ugandan tour because its unique ecological system that spreads into Rwanda and DR Congo. It is a high elevation terrain with three imposing natural structures; Muhabura 4,127m, Gahinga 3,474m, and Sabyinyo 3,645m extinct volcanoes piercing into the skies. Thick and mist covered forest bands on their waists are natural habitat for Mountain gorillas and an arena for gorilla trek safaris. Golden monkey is another very rare monkey species equally threatened as gorillas and found nowhere else and Golden monkey tracking is an item on Uganda safaris menu and getting more popular each passing time.

Mgahinga gorilla national park

For travellers to Uganda with rich appetite for nature, photography and scenic viewing, Mgahinga is a fertile destination to awaken all your adventure senses.  Hiking the volcanoes is challenging and unique in many ways but this is a journey packed with stunning beauty and many things to see. There is a lens drawing 36m wide crater lake with crystal clear waters on top of Muhabura with contrasting shadows of the peaks protruding the clouds while Gahinga has a 180m wide crater swamp on its summit with breathtaking scenic views quite unique on travel in Uganda.


  • Gorilla trekking
  • Mountain hike
  • Tracking golden monkeys
  • Bird watching
  • Guided community walk.
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